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This Is How Long Certain Drugs Actually Stay in Your Body from Lifehacker

We’re not encouraging anyone to do drugs, but we’re also not going to pretend that our readers don’t do any. If you do and have to, say, take a drug test for a job, it may be helpful to know how long certain drugs stay in the places they’re most likely to check: your urine, blood, and hair follicles.

This video by Business Insider is a quick and dirty breakdown of the approximate durations that certai ... n drugs will remain in your system after their last use, but keep in mind that the drug’s metabolites could stick around longer than indicated. The timeline for you depends on your age, height, weight, amount of the drug used, how often you use them, your overall health, and even your state of hydration. Here’s how it looks:


Urine: 3-5 days

Blood: 10-12 hours

Hair: Up to 90 days


Urine: 7-30 days

Blood: about 2 weeks

Hair: Up to 90 days


Urine: 1-3 days

Blood: about 12 hours

Hair: Up to 90 days


Urine: 3-6 days

Blood: 24-36 hours

Hair: Up to 90 days


Urine: 3-4 days

Blood: 1-2 days

Hair: Up to 90 days


Urine: 3-4 days

Blood: Up to 12 hours

Hair: Up to 90 days


Urine: 1-3 days

Blood: 2-3 hours

Hair: Up to 3 days


Urine: 3-4 days

Blood: 1-2 days

Hair: Up to 90 days

Some workplaces typically test for THC (the active ingredient in marijuana), cocaine, opiates (heroin, vicodin, percocet, etc.), amphetamines, and phencyclidine (PCP). The test typically involves peeing in a cup. In rarer cases, they also check saliva, blood, or hair.

These aren’t hard ranges, especially if you’re a chronic and heavy user. For example, a first-time weed-smoker might be able to pass the urine test within a couple of days. Long-time, heavy smokers, however, might have to wait at least 10 days. The best thing to do is to just stop using if you know you have to be tested periodically. Long Sleeve Wedding Dress

Marijuana. Pot. Weed. Whatever you call it, it’s the most popular illegal drug in the world,…Read more Read more

Contributing writer. Nomad. More musings at http://thefyslife.com.


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This Is How Long Certain Drugs Actually Stay in Your Body lifehacker.com