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bohemian style wedding collections on sale

I just finished treating a new patient. He was diagnosed with ALS 18 months ago. He is 50 years old with a wife and 3 children. He can not work, he can not play with his kids. He can't speak, he had to communicate to me with his cell phone.
He has poor balance, tinnitus, and his vision is beginning to blur. He has lost 60 lb's in the last 6 months and he is in need of help doing most every day activity. He heard about me and came in to get adjusted. He came in with a smile and left with a bigger smile because he feels better. I can't wait to see him Wednesday.
So.. To all my Facebook contacts, family, friends, etc. From this day on I refuse to entertain any of your whining, complaining and pettiness. No more "I am so tired of this 40 minute commute to work" or " I am so tired of driving my kids around all day" and my favorite, " What a terrible day, it was so windy we couldn't go to the beach, we had to sit on the deck at our shore house to watch the sunset. ENOUGH. Get over yourself..If this post makes you uncomfortable..Good! If it brings a tear to your eye, even better!! bohemian style wedding collections on sale
Get out of bed in the morning and be thankful for what you have, work to make someones life better, and love your family like you have no tomorrow.