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I just spoke with your dispatch, they advised me that I had to deal with the Sheet (Shit ) Harbour Police, who have no right of way for the sewage pipe that was connected to the pipes that run through my property, they put a septic system in for the police officers in September 2014, they also knew the water in my well & at the Eastern Shore Memorial Hospital was not safe for drinking, cooking with, plus the houses they live in are also connected to the sewage pipes that run through my property, from one bridge to the other bridge, but these police officers along with Halifax police, government, doctors and many more chose to cause me an enormous amount of hardship.plus a number of people made calls using a computer generated voice that sounded like mine, you all made a choice, you covered up for a lot of illegal situations. I I made this house my home, may you all have idiots make a copy of your home keys & car keys, may they enter your homes and do what has been done to my home, may you all be dragged to the Abbey J Lane hospital and be forced to take medication , your rights taken from you because numerous people don't want to pay for their illegal SHIT ! You overlooked some very important facts. My name is flowy prom collections of chiffon Marlene McInnis , 22636 # 7 Hwy Sheet Harbour, Phone no. 902-292-9801, I seem to be the only one who cares about where I live, it now is a conflict of interest for your police department & the Sheet Harbour R.C.M.P. to try an attempt to do your jobs, you may have wasted my valuable time, but you and these dirty cops got yourselves a HUGE LAWSUIT ! P.S. - The calls I made , the people I spoke to, I did have the intelligence to record. It would have been cheaper to not cause my so much hardship, it did make me a stronger person, you all are worse than the lying, cheating, cocaine addict that I divorced in 2009.