This photograph was taken on Saturday morning March 24, 1984. She is holding the bouquet from Palmer Flowers on 28th St. in Boulder, Colorado. Palmer Flowers did the entire wedding and reception, when you see the pictures you will be amazed at what they can accomplish.The entire church is in blue and white just like Dianee picked out from the catalog. She is just two hours away from getting a wedding band she picked out at Zales, on the Crossroads mall, with Grandma Perrin's big yellow diamond in it surrounded by 3 white diamonds.(It cost a king's ransom but I was so in love with her I thought "Nothing is too good for Diane" I still feel that way, she is such a sweetie).The wedding dress is special too, she picked that out on a Sunday, near Christmas 1983, down in Aurora, Colorado. I believe my daughter wore it at her wedding-if I am wrong I will be corrected within hours. The wedding cake was 3 tiers decorated in blue and white.The bridesmaids all wore light blue dresses with blue and white bouquets.It really hit me I was getting married when they asked "Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?" Her Dad said "Her mother and I" Then I reached out and took her little hand and she was crying she was so filled with joy. light blue wedding dresses