Atropine is a poisonous compound found in the deadly belladonna plant. Atropine is used as a muscle relaxant that inhibits nerve responses and for dilating the pupil of the eye. It can be administered either through eye drops, injection, or in oral form. The atropine mechanism of action is classified as an antiparasympathetic(parasympatholytic), or anticholinergic drug. However, it's more accurately an anti-muscarinic agent, because it counteracts themuscarine-like behaviourof acetylcholine and other choline esters. [ 711 more words ] non traditional items to wear for the maid of the brides
Atropine Mechanism of Action
Atropine is a poisonous compound found in the deadly belladonna plant. Atropine is used as a muscle relaxant that inhibits nerve responses and for dilating the pupil of the eye. It can be administe…