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short length mother of the bride or groom collections

Soybeans are the only plants that contain lecithin its processed by the name of lecithin soya addition of soy beans, lecithin can be from the yolk, lecithin derived from egg yolk named ovolecithin, however lecithin obtained from egg yolk is cholesterol of 250 mg per 100 g, this is bigger than mutton and beef as per 100 grams of beef and mutton is only 70 mg of cholesterol content, Medium kanlecithin soya derived from soy is free of cholesterol, LECITHIN in the human body produced by Liver, this happens if the liver gets enough food to support it to be lecithin, from this liver lecithin is transported to the whole body, If lecithin production by the liver is deficient then there is a problem in the deficient organs and the disease that follows him. According Dianne Craft, MAbila human brain dried and analyzed then 30% network of brain cells m Anemia is an element of lecithin, also in the liver, spleen, bile, heart, kidneys, pancreas, and other important organs containing lecithin, so that if the body lacks lecithin it will easily contract the disease in these organs, as well as other diseases that follow it such as diabetes, blood high, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibrocystic breast, Parkinson's, stroke and so on are also physical fatigue, mental, nervous and difficult to remember and make someone will irritability and depression, LECITHIN is one component that functions in creation and activity of various hormones in the body such as adrenal hormones, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, some of the benefits of LECITHIN Enhancing immunity in the body-to Managing cholesterol Helps overcome gallstone-Protecting cardiovascular-Against cancer Helps diabetics-Lecithin for patients with kidney failure -Lecithin for impotence and impotence U ntuk build intelligence and memory-Lecithin ageless-Lecithin tackling obesity, Lecithin to prevent wrinkling and slack skin-Lecithin overcome hypermelanosis and psoriasis, Lecithin tackling drug addiction and psychological disorders as well as mental WHO NEED LECITHIN? Lecithin is very useful and necessary To be used for healing people who are experiencing sickness and severe illness, because in addition to as an antioxidant, Lecithin content is very rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins and amino acids. - Lecithin is also very good for the health of the body especially recommended for use And those who are concerned for the beauty and beauty of the body to stay young and inhibit the process of premature aging, * pregnant women, because lecithin will strengthen the growth of the fetus, * mothers breastfeeding, because lecithin will give the bio Which is a lot of phospholipid and choline pa And milk, which is given to the baby, * Children, in order to make good growth for all nerve transmitters and brain development, * Children who are weak and lack of appetite, also who have low endurance, * The executive is always busy, to maintain stamina and reduce stress, * Those who want to align weight is not normal (less than or obesity), * Students who are in need of the concentrations studied, * the athlete who trained hard, * People who are recovering from surgery or illness HOW tO USE LECITHIN soybeans are liquid and powder, so they can be consumed directly. But it could also be used in various ways, for example: in add on juice, milk, rub the bread, added to the rice, in the sprinkle on vegetables, and can apply to a wound or sore spots, and so forth, NATURAL LECITHIN and ENELCETE very useful and should be used to help the healing process for those who are experiencing pain, in a healthy body condition NATURALLECITHIN and ENELCETE very well be used for the preservation of health, maintaining fitness, vitality of the body and prevent premature aging, dOSE-keeping condition of the body 2 x 1 day @ 1 tbsp or 1 capsule-period of healing 3 x 1 day @ 1 tbsp or 1 capsule chronic Pain 3 x 1 day @ 2 tbsp or 2 capsules, children 2 x 1 day @ 1 tsp or 1 capsule-For morning and afternoon on a drink before meals-For the night should be drinking before bed Note: 1 tablespoon NATURAL LECITHIN equivalent 1 capsule ENELCETE. short length mother of the bride or groom collections