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wedding dresses with bows

I have some items left over from our wedding..8 royal blue chair bows or table runners $2 each..blue tiara $5….cake server set with pen. $10 Sold pending pick up..... Glasses sold... Silver tablecloth sequins..$5. Size 16..6x corsets..only tried under dress, one is underbust, other overbust.$20 each..post extra wedding dresses with bows

Wedding items $123,4565253

I have some items left over from our wedding..8 royal blue chair bows or table runners $2 each..blue tiara $5….cake server set with pen. $10 Sold pending pick up..... Glasses sold... Silver tablecloth sequins..$5. Size 16..6x corsets..only tried under dress, one is underbust, other overbust.$20 each..post extra
